
The World of Fancy and Sporty Cars

Page history last edited by Mr Moacyr da Silva Caminada 14 years, 6 months ago


Aim: This page is to collaborate with the students and professionals

of car manufacturers as well as people who work in a car dealerships from the course "Autotronic" - Mechanical and Electronic Automotive FATEC


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Eletronic and Mechanical components to cars and others features such as engineering automotive


Team Members:

(It is tailored for teachers and students of the course Autotronic - Eletronic and Mechanical Automotive)



Intermediate to advanced students and professors of Technology in several subjects about automobile industry



At least three times per week for about 3 hours to browse and study motor parts, eletronic devices, interior and exterior designs,  performance and technical specifications, active and passive safety features.


Overview of Lesson Plan:

This page has been developed specifically for professionals who work in the automobile industry who need to improve their skills concerning the communication and exchange ideas about several different topics of vehicles, students who want to be contributors adding videos or writing some experiences either in their companies or in their classes interacting a variety of subjects with the English for the Automobile Industry such as drag coeficient, kerb weight, etc., how they can see these issues in Physics or doing some calculus that is possible to share the same view in English so that they can learn and move forward to show the abilities to understand technical terms and vocabulary in order to help them to identify the same subject in English joining the theory with the practical skills in the lessons, bearing in mind that being qualified as a tehcnologist in the automotive industry and as a consequent being employable all over the world.


Programmes must enable graduates to demonstrate:   


1. The ability to derive and apply solutions from knowledge of sciences, engineering sciences, technology & mathematics and a profound knowledge of reading, writing, listening in English language, speaking is desirable.

2. The ability to identify, formulate, analyse and solve engineering problems.

3. The ability to design a system, component or process to meet specified needs and to design and conduct experiments to analyse and interpret data.


4. An understanding of the need for high ethical standards in the practice of engineering, including the responsibilities of the engineering profession towards people and the environment.

5. The ability to work effectively as an individual, in teams and in multi-disciplinary settings together with the capacity to undertake lifelong learning.

6. The ability to communicate effectively with the engineering community and with society at large.





Technological Resources:          (http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/i)





This programme combines the core elements of materials engineering with specific training of relevance to the automotive (vehicle) industries. Selective modules are taught in conjunction with the Department of Automotive Engineering. As with Materials Engineering, the subjects are dealt with practival tools at the garage from the college and suport with audio and manuals are available. This programme is particularly designed for those who wish to pursue a career in the automotive industry.


Procedures (tasks): 

The students have to search for information about several types of vehicles and factors such as listening extracts from the sites mentioned above and after that they must leave comments about the audio comprehension, after that they should add videos in the teachers blogs about what they have learned in the classes it doesn´t matter if the subjects are not only in English, as I said previously the importance of this wiki page is to provide a major interaction among professors and students promoting a better interdisciplinary issues so the students can see different ways of analyzing a car developing their communication skills. Every single time they log in they are in charge of contributing with their comments on the videos or scripts left from the teachers or other colleagues, of course as it was written in the aim of this page, professionals from a car industry are welcoming too.




Students are also a co-producer of this page and they have to reflect on the Technology over not only the Education but also the resource of apprenticeship of understanding the conception of the course and especially the car parts having in mind the cooperativism of building a better graduate student. They will be evaluated in their creative and skills of writing as well as exposing their ideas about teachers and classmates projects posted and added in this page using all elements described before, videos, photos, audio scripts and critical contributions to colleagues´ assignments.


Webtools suggested for the students:










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