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Participants Info 2nd2009

Page history last edited by Carla Arena 14 years, 5 months ago



Please, take some minutes to fill in some of your basic information to organize the interaction within our group.

Click on "Edit" (top of this page) . For each box, write the information required (Name, Skype ID, other online spaces).


When you don't have the information to fill in, just add an x.


Then, click on "Save".


If you don't have Skype, remember to download it. It's a great tool to keep in touch.





Group Data - Week 1


Name Skype ID Workplace/Job Other Info
Carla Arena carlaarena CTJ/e-moderator

blogs at http://collablogatorium.blogspot.com


Twitter: carlaarena


Ines Saboya 





blogs at




email: inessaboya@gmail.com

Twitter: inessaboya 

Andre Netto andre.netto CTJ/teacher




Suely Capel Coelho  suelycapel  CEI/teacher 


msn: suely_capel@hotmail.com


Carol Barretto  carol.barretto.jf  CTJ/teacher Facebook 
Cláudia HelenaSchmitz  claudia.helena.schmitz  EFL Teacher



blogs: www.claudiaschmitz.blogspot.com


Elysio Soares  elysio.soares  CTJ/teacher 

Twitter: elysio_soares

Facebook: Elysio Soares

MSN: essjunior@hotmail.com

email: elysio@gmail.com 

Thelma Marques     thelma6967 ELT teacher


Rick Monteiro  ricardo.de.andrade.monteiro  ELT  teacher  ricardom@thomas.org.br 
Érika Carvalho  ccbeuccbeu  ELT teacher  msn: erikaon@hotmail.com 
Maria Inês Arantes  ccbeuccbeu  ELT teacher  msn: arantesmia@hotmail.com 
Alberto Carvalho betovo5 CTJ/teacher Facebook: Alberto Carvalho
Daniela Lyra  yoramzalmon  Ctj teacher 

mail - danilyra@yahoo.com

twitter- danilyra 

Lucíola Dias Lima de Souto  luciolasouto  CTJ/teacher 

e-mails: lucioladias@hotmail.com, luciolasouto@gmail.com,

MSN: lucioladias@hotmail.com


Germana Telles Correa Razuk  germana.razuk  ELT Teacher 




Celina Rebouças  celinareboucas  Alumni/ EFL Teacher 

email/msn:celinaborges@hotmail.com                    Facebook                                                       orkut :Cela                                                    

Debbie Cabral  debbiecabral  CTJ/teacher 

e-mail/msn: d3bb13@hotmail.com

orkut: teacher Debbie 

Inez Woortmann   CTJ/Teacher e-mail: inezwoortmann@gmail.com
Maggie   CTJ Teacher  
Luiz Claudio  lcmont36  CTJ teacher  e-mail: lcmont@gmail.com
Ludmila B. Andreu Funo  ludmila.andreu  EFL teacher (not working nowadays!)

e-mail e msn: lbandreu@hotmail.com





orkut: Ludmila Andreu

OOvoo: ludmila_andreu




Alba Cobra (guest) alba.cobra CTJ teacher

e-mail: teacheralba@gmail.com

MSN: albacobra@hotmail.com

Facebook: Alba Cobra

Orkut: Alba Pelucio Cobra De Carlo

Twitter: albacobra

Ning: http://pretestctj.ning.com



Shelfari: http://www.shelfari.com/o1518275648

            Alba Cobra

Diigo: Alba Cobra

DailyLit: albacobra

Blogs at http://edutasks.blogspot.com

Edmodo: teacheralba          

PB Wiki PB Works: http://albacobra.pbworks.com


Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/albacobra/

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/albacobra

Blip.fm: http://blip.fm/albacobra

Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/albacobra

Cleide Nascimento    CTJ teacher 

msn: cleidoca2008@hotmail.com 

orkut: Cleide Nascimento

email usado com mais frequência: lexdok@yahoo.com

Skype: cleide.frazao.nascimento

blogs: cleidenascimento.posterous.com



Carlos Ortiz    CTJ teacher 

email: ortizbsb@gmail.com

orkut: ortiz carlos 

Dennis Oliver dennis-oliver former teacher: Phoenix, AZ

three of my favorite blogs:

An International Exchange


Memories and Musings

a wiki (that needs updating!):

Relaxed Speech

Yahoo: doliver_phoenix




Group Posterous Blogs


Posterous Blog
Carla Arena http://webtools.posterous.com
Rick Monteiro  http://rickmonteiro.posterous.com/ 
Suely Capel Coelho  http://suelycapel.posterous.com 
Andre Netto http://teacherandre.posterous.com/
Luiz Claudio  http://luizclaudiomonteiro.posterous.com/
Ines Saboya 


Débora Cabral  http://teacherdebbie.posterous.com 
Claudia Helena Schmitz  http://claudiaschmitz.posterous.com 
Alba Cobra (guest) http://albacobra.posterous.com/ 
Lucíola Dias Lima de Souto  http://luciola.posterous.com 
Germana Telles Correa Razuk  http:/germanacorrea.posterous.com 
Daniela Lyra  http://danilyra.posterous.com/
Cleide Nascimento 


Carol Barretto  http://carolbarretto.posterous.com 
Roberto Arruda  http://robertoarruda.posterous.com 
Elysio Soares http://myreflections.posterous.com
Thelma Marques


Carlos Ortiz  http://ortiz.posterous.com 
Alberto Carvalho http://betocarvalho.posterous.com
Dennis Oliver http://do_thoughts.posterous.com/
Margarete Magalhaes  http://margarete.posterous.com/




Erika  http://erikaca.posterous.com/ 
Maria Inês Arantes  http://inesarantes.posterous.com/
Celina Rebouças  http://cela.posterous.com  



Group Blogger Blogs


Blogger Blog
Carla Arena


Luiz Claudio  http://thelearningquarter.blogspot.com/ 
Andre Netto http://teacherandrenetto.blogspot.com/
Dennis Oliver



Rick Monteiro  http://www.rick-blognaut.blogspot.com/ 
Suely Capel  http://www.englishlearningconnections.blogspot.com/ 
Alba Cobra http://edutasks.blogspot.com
Ines Saboya


Dani lyra  http://tryingoutweb24ed.blogspot.com/
 Cleide nascimento http://cleidenblogger.blogspot.com 
Carol Barretto  http://teachercarolbarretto.blogspot.com 
Claudia Helena Schmitz  http://www.claudiaschmitz.blogspot.com
Alberto Carvalho http://ctjalbertoadvanced.blogspot.com
Roberto Arruda  http://letslistenflex.blogspot.com 
Lucíola Dias   http://teacherluciola.blogspot.com 
Carlos Ortiz  http://theteachersextramile.blogspot.com/ 


Comments (10)

inessaboya@... said

at 8:47 pm on Aug 10, 2009

It´s great to join this wonderful team on this online course. It´s a fantastic way to keep updated, and I can do it during the times of the day when I´m most productive, and also balance the course workload with my other commitments.

Carla Arena said

at 1:11 pm on Aug 12, 2009

Inês, great to have you around and to feel your excitement! I hope you truly enjoy the ride and the connections we make throughout this session.

inez woortmann said

at 10:56 am on Aug 19, 2009

Hi, everyone! Really happy to be on the course. Looking forward to sharing and learning from all of you!

Rick Monteiro said

at 10:26 am on Aug 20, 2009

Is it ok if we use internet english? U know wat I mean? kkkk

teacherandre said

at 12:13 am on Aug 23, 2009

I know exactly wat u mean. hehehehe.
c u guys l8r.

Carlos Ortiz said

at 7:15 am on Aug 31, 2009

This is definitely a first time for me. I caught myself working in front of the computer when I noticed that there were EIGHT different windows open... How can people cope with that? I never thought I'd need more than two...

Carla Arena said

at 10:34 pm on Sep 1, 2009

I have more than that open every single day, Ortiz!!!

teacherandre said

at 10:40 am on Sep 7, 2009

what happened to everyone's info?

Carla Arena said

at 10:47 pm on Sep 8, 2009

that's the beauty of a wiki! we can revert to previous editions when something strange happens...

Celina Rebouças said

at 9:41 am on Oct 4, 2009

Hi, Carla. How's everything? What's the Group Blogger Blogs about?

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