We've gone far, from Web2.0 to digital storytelling with stops in the world of social bookmarking, photo sharing and RSS. Now, it's time to link it all together.
The Wikisphere will be our space to develop, enhance and share our WebTools4Educators final project. In fact, we've been exploring the possibilities for wikis in an educational setting. However, wikis are also a wonderful tool for project development, brainstorming, as well as for a Personal Learning Environment, as Michele Martin points out on her blog post about wikis as personal spaces .
Guidelines for you Final Project
You'll prepare a lesson plan based on your classroom reality incorporating a web tool to it,or a learner's activity which will be held in an online space. It might be a lesson you've already taught and you think you could give a different digital perspective, or it could be a lesson you're planning to teach.
Think of...
learners as collaborators
learners as active participants in the learning process
a web tool or online space that triggers inquiry, critical thinking, engagement
where you are going to work on your final project. On your own wiki space, or here, our course wiki, by creating a new page?
if you want to work individually or with a group of educators
specific learning goals for your lessonplan
Have in mind...
the revised Bloom's taxonomy that adds digital approaches to it.
You'll receive peer and your moderator's feedback in these areas with the following criteria:
Content and Tech Integration - The project's technology use effectively supports and links with the chosen content. It affords new possibilities for learning in the 21st century. The project's uses of technology directly support for student learning. The project's use of technology is appropriate for the medium while helping students reach identified learning objectives. The choice of technology is age appropriate and supports different learning styles and abilities.
Ethical Issues - The digital resources are properly credited when it is the case.
Lesson Plan Design - The lesson plan is complete, goes into depth as appropriate. It provides opportunities for co-learning. Students explore concepts as active participants of the learning process. The task guidelines reflect the overall curricular goals, provide clear directions, and offer digital resources.
Role of the Teacher - The lesson plan enhances the role of the teacher as a facilitator of student learning and experiences. The teacher actively explores and learns with the students.
Assessment - Lesson plan provides ways of students' reflection on their own experiences and learning.
Adapted from Assessing Teacher Technology Projects.
Structuring your Lesson Plan
Here's a guideline for you to follow:
Team Members (if you decide to work in group):
Time Frame:
Overview of Lesson Plan:
Learning Outcomes:
Technological Resources (add link to them or post them on your wiki page)/materials:
Procedures (tasks):
Samples of Lesson Plans
Tableau Vivant
Class Biographies
Create your Own StoryWiki
Adopting Customs
The Seven Wonders of Our Community (
Here's an example a very comprehensive lessonplan incorporating 21st century skills. It's just a sample. You're not expected to go that far)
Getting Started
Create your Wiki Page in our group wiki, or use your wiki to develop your lesson plan. Add the information on the table below. Remember, you can work individually or in groups of three (maximum).
Deadline for Lesson Plan submission: Nov. 10th,2008
Once you've decided how you're going to work, your instructor will assign feedback groups. The role of feedback groups is for participants to check how the projects are being developed, add their comments and constructive feedback to peer's work.
Editing PBWiki - Tutorials
Advice to keep You focused on your Final Project
Don't Despair!
Eat a wonderful, yummy dessert, talk to your friends or skype your instructor!
Keep asking, commenting,sharing, and adding value to our collective effort.
Foresee what our celebration will be like once this stage is over with you as the creator,
producer of digital content that makes sense to your learners and to you.
Keep it legal. Use images, music that are licensed under Creative Commons.
Your Final Project instructor's screencast.
Comments (25)
Maria Claudia Pires Gonçalves said
at 3:50 pm on Nov 4, 2008
Hi, Carla
I just posted my lesson plan there. Its actually something I plan to do with the only begginer group I have, as soon as I get them to watch the tutorials and find their way around our wiki - which I am still working on. Im afraid Im running out of time as some of my groups will move into final term assessment and that will add some extra work into my already manic agenda. But thats old news.. :) Please let me know if I need to do something else - or make changes in my lesson plan. Thanks a million,
gilmar.mattos said
at 10:25 pm on Nov 4, 2008
Hello Carla...
I have just started too and I'll try to connect my favorite tools Voicethread and Glogster AND my greatest passion :MUSIC. I'd like to know why the description I wrote does not show in my front page the way we have in the page you have created for this course.
Carla Arena said
at 10:27 pm on Nov 5, 2008
@Maria Claudia I'll soon get back to you with my feedback on your lesson plan.
@Gilmar aha! My trick to have it nicely displayed? You need to add a Table of Content. Click on insert plugin when you're editing, and you'll see the option. Also, you can cheat a bit! Just click on Edit this page here, and you'll see how it looks like.
Maria Cecília Mattos Nogueira Barboza Carneiro said
at 9:50 am on Nov 6, 2008
Carla, I've just created a page with my lesson plan. I don't know why I can't add the information on the table, as I said the LP is in our wiki. I didn't create another one.
Carla Arena said
at 5:24 pm on Nov 6, 2008
I'll add it to you, Cecília. No problem. The ideas was exactly this. You could create a page here in our class wiki, or use your own. Your choice! Did you click on "edit" to add to the page? Sometimes I forget myself and just want to add it! Then, I remember, first edit, then scroll down to the table. Let me know if you have any questions.
Lueli said
at 8:04 am on Nov 7, 2008
Carla, I've decided to travel two roads at the same time. I had already developed that Advanced Grammar Project with my groups at CTJ, using Toondoo and getting them to post their comments using the verb tenses we had studied. I am contributing on to our final project with the Pats and Ana Albi... but I also want to try a new project. I'm planning a writing project with my 3B. I'm setting up a wiki for that, but I'm not sure how to get everything ready for them when we go to the mall on Monday. I haven't managed to create folders... is that what I should do for them to write their compositions? The idea is peer revision+teacher revision... in the end, I'll use everything in the wiki to create a blog for them. Heeeeeelp!
Carla Arena said
at 3:27 pm on Nov 7, 2008
Lueli, you're more excited than I am!!! Great! I'll check your blog in a minute. The wiki your planning with the girls is just an incredible idea and the great thing is that as I was accepted in the wiki, I receive the notifications when you edit it, so I know you're all working hard! As for the wiki in the MALL, there's a tricky thing...You cannot put students to work at the same time on a wiki. Otherwise they "steal" the lock to edit the page. Or are you just taking them to the MALL to show them how the wiki works? If you plan to work with them at the MALL using the wiki, some suggestions: have them write first in an open office doc at the Mall, and then copy and paste to the wiki, but not at the same time! Another way is to create different wikis (you can create as many as you want), and have a central class wiki with the links for each other's wiki. That might do the trick. Another option is Google Docs, a wonderful collaborative tool as well. You just need students' emails to invite them to collaborate on a google doc. It's great for peer review!
Do you have skype? Skype me and we can talk.
You don't need folders on the wiki. What you need to do is to create different pages for each student. On the settings of you wiki, click on "users" to register all of your students there so they have access to the wiki. Keep asking here. I'm sure the others profit from the questions!
cristiane said
at 3:35 pm on Nov 7, 2008
Hi Carla !
I´´ve been thinking about this final project all the week. I´d like to prepare something about a class which we had weeks ago. We talked about natural disasters and I took the students to the computer room and we watched about 3 you -tube videos about natural disasters. It was really nice and I believe they will never forget the scenes and the new vocabulary. How could I start ?
Carla Arena said
at 6:12 pm on Nov 7, 2008
First, Cristiane, watch the tutorials on this page to create your wiki page. Then, start writing your lessonplan there.Think of ways you can add the youtube videos and then have your students as creators of content. If you need help, shout! I'm around.
cristiane said
at 1:05 pm on Nov 8, 2008
Hi Carla ! I do need help . How can I add the videos ? I usuallly don´t do you . I just go straight to youtube.
Vinicius Lemos said
at 9:05 am on Nov 9, 2008
I can't understand why my link to my wiki with the final project is the only one that can't be clicked directly! =(
Vinicius Lemos said
at 9:06 am on Nov 9, 2008
Here's the link to the lesson plan!
Here's a direct link to real project I worked on with my students!
Marina Bonani said
at 11:30 am on Nov 9, 2008
Ok. Everything is ready. I added the lesson plan on my wiki page.
cristiane said
at 12:37 pm on Nov 9, 2008
Hi Carla ! Thanks for the help . I managed to add the video. Please could you tell me what else I have to do for the project and how I can add my information to the list above. Thanks, Cris.
Kelly said
at 8:18 pm on Nov 9, 2008
Dear Carla and all marvellous colleagues,
Have you seen how wonderful we are? The projects are amazing! I am checking one by one. I was thinking a minute ago.... the end of the year is now... next year we have so much outstanding options to develop a great work with our students. We have an ocean with waves coming and going... an ocean of ideas, sharing, projects... Congratulations to every participant who refused going to a party or delayed a nap to complete the e-tivities. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!
I was trying to find the equivalent word in English for AMPLEXOS but I didn`t get to a final end. if anyone know it, send it to me.
Amplexos to you all.
Kelly said
at 8:19 pm on Nov 9, 2008
OOOOPS... Amplexo is an electronic hug...:)
Maria Cecília Mattos Nogueira Barboza Carneiro said
at 8:23 am on Nov 10, 2008
Are you going to leave the course "opened" for some more days? I still want to look at the stories I haven't had time to see and make comments and I want to look at all the lesson plans and revise some of the weeks.
Maria Claudia Pires Gonçalves said
at 10:29 am on Nov 10, 2008
Dear all,
I have been to some wikis in a last attempt to learn a bit more :). .. and learn I did! Point is, not all I've visited so far will let me post a comment there. So I only left a comment on Cecília's lesson plan. If you try mine, let me know if I have the right settings for your suggestions and comments are most welcome.
See you around!
Carla Arena said
at 3:02 pm on Nov 10, 2008
@Kelly we're great, aren't we, Kelly? Bright minds together can have such collective outcome...Just amazing. Certainly tons of possibilities in the year ahead.
@Cecilia this wiki is an open space. It's OURS and will be there. Also, our virtual classroom will stay there for some time. So, you can keep exploring things. Take your time.
@Claudia Thanks for your feedback. Guys, please, check your settings and leave your wikis open so that others can add their comments.
@Cristiane. To tell us where your final project is, click on "edit" on the top of the page, and add the address of your wiki page on the table. Let me know if you need help.
Maria Cecília Mattos Nogueira Barboza Carneiro said
at 5:01 pm on Nov 10, 2008
Dear all,
I've just finished reading all the lesson plans that have been posted up to now (Daniela and Elaine's). Really nice! We all have our different styles but we all have very good ideas. I would like to comment on each one but I don't know why there's always a message saying that I can't make any comment (including your wiki Maria Claudia). Carla do you know why? Lilian I loved your idea! Must be so good to read a book and then to be allowed to use your imagination to create an illustration. Vinicius, I have to tell you that while I was reading your LP I kept on asking myself if you'd manage to really do it, but you did it! Besides that it's so very cute. Your students look so happy and you do too.
Carla Arena said
at 6:01 pm on Nov 10, 2008
Cecilia, I've asked everybody to go to the setting of their wikipages, go to "security" and change the wikis to open. Thanks for taking your time to take a look and add your feedback here. Isn't that exciting to see our uniqueness in the way we chose the topics and prepared our plans?
Maria Claudia Pires Gonçalves said
at 6:44 pm on Nov 10, 2008
Hi, Cecília
Thanks for your feedback. I checked my access settings and its open to anyone. Hard to figure out why it wont allow comments.
If you find out, please let me know.
Maria Claudia Pires Gonçalves said
at 6:44 pm on Nov 10, 2008
Hi, Cecília
Thanks for your feedback. I checked my access settings and its open to anyone. Hard to figure out why it wont allow comments.
If you find out, please let me know.
Lilian Marchesoni said
at 8:38 am on Nov 11, 2008
Hi Cecília... Thanks for your comment! I hope my students also like the idea!
I have also checked many of the lesson plans and I have to say that I was amazed! So many interesting things created!
Congratulations to all of us!!!
Carla Arena said
at 11:16 am on Nov 13, 2008
@Maria Claudia and cecilia, if the options in the wiki are set to open. Then, on the sidebar of the wiki, on the right, you'll see "join this wiki" just click there and you'll be able to comment.
You don't have permission to comment on this page.